Xinhua Wu
PhD in Transportation 
MBTA Project

I am Xinhua. I am a PhD student at Northeastern University since 2021 year. I obtained my Bachelor and Master degrees from Nanjing Tech University and Southeast University. My research interests include traffic simulation, optimization and machine learning

PhD Project: Agent-Based Simulation Platform for Online Decision Making in Urban Rails

Simulation models are valuable tools for performance analysis of transit systems, operations planning, evaluation of signaling systems, evaluation and refinement of real-time control strategies, and operator-in-the-loop training.

My project aim to build a microscopic, agent-based and time-based stochastic simulation model for rail systems. Unlike many of the simulation models that are developed for planning purpose, it is a stochastic simulator that incorporates various uncertainties in the rail systems, such as passenger demand, rolling stock performance, track circuit pre/postshunt, train dispatching and operator behavior. It can simulate multiple routes in a system with route-specific and time-dependent demand. The simulator models the operations both, under normal conditions and disruptions (e.g. incidents). It also models the realtime control strategies for service recovery