Jiajun Liu
Master in Transportation Engineering
I am Jiajun Liu. I am a MS student at Southeast University since 2020. I obtained my Bachelor degree from Southwest Jiaotong University. My research interests include traffic assignment, traffic signal control and data mining.
MS Project: Public Rail Transport Fare Reconciliation Using Multi-Source Data
The urban public transport system has multiple operators for different transport modes including buses, metro, tram, and others. Robust procedures need to be put in place such that all revenues are accounted for and reconciled before payment to the different transit operators. My project aims to develop data-driven approaches for public rail transport fare reconciliation using multi-source data, including smart card data, train timetable data, and mobile cellular data. The core problem is to infer the unobserved paths that passengers used in public rail systems from cellular trajectory data and tap-in/tap-out smart card records.